Few people choosing windows for their home are aware that one of the key aspects that affects the energy efficiency of the windows, and therefore the entire building, is the use of warm glazing packages or specialized glass, such as selective glass. What exactly is this solution and what are the benefits of using selective glass in windows? Here are the answers.

What is selective glass?
Selective glass is an innovative type of glass that is specifically designed to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. Its main feature is its ability to selectively transmit solar radiation while reducing heat transfer. This means that selective glass allows maximum use of the sun’s energy to reheat the room, while protecting it from excessive heat in the summer.
What are the advantages of this solution?
1. excellent thermal insulation: selective glass has excellent insulating properties, which allows you to maintain a stable indoor temperature all year round. This, in turn, translates into reduced heating and air conditioning costs.
2. energy savings: thanks to the ability of selective glass to harness solar energy, electricity consumption can be reduced, resulting in savings on electricity and heating bills.
3. visual comfort: selective glass transmits natural light, making rooms well-lit and comfortable to use. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the well-being of residents.
4. Ecology: by using selective glass, we reduce carbon emissions, which is in line with the idea of environmental protection and sustainable development.
Selective glass is a solution that perfectly combines energy efficiency, comfort and environmental concerns. By choosing windows equipped with this innovative glass, you are investing in a better quality of life, savings and the future of our planet. Avante offers a wide selection of selective glass windows that will meet your needs and provide exceptional comfort in your home.