Natural light is the basis of our everyday life, and especially autumn and winter days force us to think about how to best use the charm of natural lighting in our homes. How to integrate them in our interior? The answer to this question is the extensive glazing in our apartment!

What are the benefits of having large glazing at home?
The large glazing in question includes primarily panoramic windows, winter gardens and sliding doors. Of course, their main advantage is introducing a large stream of natural light into the interior. But is this the only benefit they offer? Not at all! Large glazing efficiently connects our life inside the house with the beauty of the surrounding nature, such as the garden or terrace. Moreover, they add modernity to the facade of our building and visually enlarge the internal space.
Functionality and comfort
We understand that when choosing furniture for our home, functionality is the priority. Comfortable use of the terrace or free access to the garden are the key arguments for purchasing or building such a house. However, it is also important how efficiently we operate patio doors. Large glazing units equipped with triple-glazed units are quite massive, so it is worth installing an electric drive that will allow you to control the opening and closing of the sash using a remote control, wall switch or smartphone application.

Thermal insulation – do large glazings cause rooms to cool down?
Patio doors or panoramic glass facades occupy a significant part of the facade and, compared to traditional walls, have a much lower heat transfer coefficient. Of course, this can be remedied by choosing modern systems with the latest generation windows and glass packages with good thermal insulation.

Security and privacy
Okay, but what about the safety and privacy of residents? Will large glazing make us always want to hide from our neighbors? There are several answers to this question. First of all, a lot depends on our location and where we place the glazing. Many people choose this solution in places surrounded by a forest or a large garden. In such cases, neighbors will not look into our windows.
Regardless of the location, it is worth considering window coverings, such as modern façade blinds. Not only do they provide privacy when we need it, but they also allow us to regulate the amount of light entering the interior. This is important, especially on hot summer days, when we expose ourselves to intense sun and want to maintain comfortable conditions inside, without the need to install air conditioning.
If you are convinced that large glazing is the perfect solution for your apartment, do not hesitate and find out today what we can offer you. We will choose the best options for your home!